Truly committed in its pursuit to produce globally competitive faculty and students, Camarines Norte State College thru its International Relations and Linkages Office (CNSC-IRLO) sent Prof. Adrian G. Daniel, faculty of the Institute of Computer Studies to CommTECH Camp Insight 2019 (Community and Technological Camp) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya, Indonesia on January 23-February 5, 2019.

This year's Camp with the theme, "Solving Problem with Global Knowledge" is expected to empower participants to utilized Project-based Learning Method, provided them with resources with interesting data and facts to broader and deeper understanding of global concerns, given them opportunities to articulate their understanding of global knowledge.

Prof. Adrian G. Daniel has undergone screening process and found to be qualified and was admitted on full scholarship for a course on Introduction to Game Animation and Internet of Things. This course introduces the participants to concepts, problems and methods of computer programming and how these are applied to creation of games and internet of things. Such course supports the curriculum of Information Technology in which Prof. Daniel serves as one of its faculty. 

Photo Credit: Ma'am Angela Pioquinto

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