Information Technology Services Office 

Information Technology Services (ITS) describe the design, creation, implementation, management, and supervision of computer-based information systems. IT services are specialized offerings created to encourage and support end users and enterprises in their usage of technology. Using procedures for software, hardware, telecommunications networks, and electronics, enterprises are creating and developing specialized technology-based solutions in the digital age.



2nd Floor Math Building, CNSC


Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8am-5pm except Holidays


Functions and Responsibilities of the Information Technology Services Office’s Personnel

  • Plan, develop, and manage the information system (IS) of the University which includes system analysis, programming, and IS development-related activities including web development and maintenance to support college functions;

  • Plan, develop, and manage the university IT infrastructure which includes the local area network, wide area networks, connections to outside networks such as Internet, and system administration;

  • Provide support services related to hardware and software and other IT technical concerns;

  • Monitor, evaluate, and recommend appropriate actions based on compliance to policies, rules, and regulations related to college, national and global laws on IT;

  • Coordinate with other institutions on IT-related initiatives and developments


Office Procedures and Operations

  1. Preventive Maintenance

  2. Inventory of ICT Equipment, Inspection, Certification and ICT Related Purchases

  3. Student Employee ID Services

  4. Web Software Development

  5. ICT Equipment Repairs and other Support Function

Audio Visual Services


ID printing

Computer Laboratory, Internet Access Services and Policies

Standard Specifications for ICT Equipment

CNSC Institutional Email

CNSC Learning Management System

Student Information and Accounting Systems


Organizational Chart





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